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From the firm: Looking ahead

The holidays are just around the corner. But before your attention gets diverted by the festivities, we encourage you to touch base with our firm to ensure you're on track financially-particularly if you were affected by COVID-19.

Thanks to COVID, there's a lot to think about this year. From tax obligations on unemployment income to the impact of Payroll Protection Program and Economic Injury Disaster loans on your business finances, it's important to consider the personal and business impact of any government assistance as we head into the final stretch of 2020.

Whatever your type of business, digital visibility and viability has never been more important as consumers shift primarily to the web for buying, researching and other transactions. To help you keep your business humming, we've rounded up the latest on line lead generation strategies, along with top tips to help you plan for a successful business future.

This issue of Advantage is also filled with ideas for keeping your holiday spirits high-even if you have to adjust your traditions this year. We've included an at-home fitness routine to help you combat stress and holiday weight gain, as well as suggestions for hosting a socially distanced office gathering that will come in handy for personal celebrations, too.

For many of us, the holidays just aren't the same without cookies. Have some fun with our smart cookie trivia—it may just inspire you to bake up a batch of your favorite sweet holiday treats!

Most of all, remember we're here to help you. So please, don't hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns.

Best wishes for a happy holiday season,
Your Trusted Advisors

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